Category Archives: Various

Greco-Roman ghost story

Translated from French with DeepL (please notify us of errors) I would really like to know if you think that ghosts exist, that they have a form of their own and some kind of supernatural power, or if they lack substance and reality and only take shape out of our fears.»[1]. This question plagued Pliny […]

“Vomitorium”, what comes to mind?

Translated from French with DeepL (please notify us of errors) When you hear the word vomitorium, what comes to mind? A room adjacent to the dining room where the satiated Romans could evacuate the overflow to fill their bellies? False. It never existed. The term only appeared in the 5th centurye in the writings of […]

Nero, fire and ice

Article en français Translated from French with DeepL (please notify us of errors) The Romans too felt the heat. Indeed, climatologists have determined, through the study of pollen, glaciers, sediments, and other traces, that the period from around 250 years before the Common Era to the 4th century CE was exceptionally warm. This “Roman climate […]

Mallow, soft and tasty

Translated from French with DeepL (please notify us of errors) You have probably come across it without knowing or recognising it: the great mallow (malva sylvestris1) thrives in the countryside as well as in the city, on roadsides or embankments. It is noted for its beautiful flowers, ranging from pale pink to deep purple, with […]

The egg, a whole dish

Translated from French with DeepL (please notify us of errors) Ab ovo usque ad mala1. A good and copious Roman meal had to honour this expression: ‘from the egg to the apple’. Usually eaten as a starter during the gustatio, the egg could accompany an entire menu, right up to the dessert. In Apicius’ Culinary […]

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